Meet the Team
Christoph Ammann
Team leader environmental noise Aarau
Thomas Boss
Erik Bühlmann
Head of Business Development, Team Leader Research and Development, expert tyre-road noise
Maria Burger
Environmental noise, tyre-road noise
Oliver Clemente
Laurent Cosandey
Team leader environmental noise Neuchâtel
Linus Fässler
Environmental noise
Daniel Flury
Tyre-road noise
Martin Flury
Tyre-road noise
Nicole Freuler
Beatrice Frey
Building physics / architectural acoustics
Lena Gafner
Tyre-road noise
Ludivine Grandjean
Environmental noise, ryre-road noise
Dominik Haas
NIR, Research & development
Adam Hasenfratz
Team leader environmental noise Bern
Ferdinand Hodel
Tyre-road noise
Marcel Hubacher
Tyre-road noise
Christian Huber
Environmental noise
Flurina Hull
Environmental noise
Christoph Jäggi
Tyre-road noise
Eva-Linda Jerez
Building physics / architectural acoustics
David Karlicek
Building physics / architectural acoustics
André Köpfli
Team leader environmental noise Zurich
Julien Kundert
Environmental noise
Manuel Kunz
Environmental noise, tyre-road noise, research & development
Alexander Läderach
Environmental noise
Patricio Lerena
Pius Leuba
Building physics, sustainability
Valérie Loretan
Office Managment
Dionys Lugon-Moulin
External noise
Nadège Marchiando
Environmental noise
Erich Marti
CFO, Head of HR
Maria Martin
Environmental noise
Christian Merkli
Building physics / architectural acoustics
Peter Mikhailenko
Research & development
David Murton
Kim Müsing
Environmental noise
Christian Orsega
Building physics /* architectural acoustics
Björn Probst
Environmental noise, tyre-road noise
Miriam Rüfenacht
Tina Saurer
Team leader tyre-road noise, research & development, environmental noise
Jürg Schaffer
Building physics/architectural acoustics, environmental noise, tyre-road noise
Gerhard Schauberger
Building physics / architectural acoustics
Nico Scheidegger
Tyre-road noise
Dominique Schiesser
Felix Schlatter
Research & development, tyre-road noise
Andreas Schluep
Head of environmental noise department
Roger Schneider
Building physics / architectural acoustics, structural damage expertise
Stefan Schnetzler
Environmental noise
Simon Sebright
Thomas Singer
Nijanthini Sriskandarajah
Environmental noise
Anina Steiner
Christa Stephan
Software, environmental noise
Dominic Stickel
Tyre-road noise
David Stierli
Building physics / architectural acoustics
Antoine Thévenaz
Environmental noise
Vijeinath Tissaveerasingham
Dagmar Toth
Environmental noise
Marianne Violot
Environmental noise
Sonja Vogt
Office Management
Holger Völlinger
Team leader building physics/architectural acoustics Bern and Neuchâtel
Mathias von Arx
Expert building physics/building acoustics
Nadine von Arx
Environmental noise
Carole Weber
Office Management
Thomas Wildi
Team Leader Software Development
Valérie Winner
Environmental noise
Kristina Wotruba
Environmental noise
Benjamin Zehnder
Environmental noise
Petra Ziegler
Office Management
Tim Ziegler
Toni Ziegler
Chairman of the Board, Software Development
Michael Zuckschwerdt
Building physics / architectural acoustics
Jürg Zweifel-Schielly
Head of Building Physics, Team Leader Aarau and Zurich