Werte-Video #7 «Innovativ»

In the final episode of our video series on the values of G+P, Thomas Boss delves deep into the world of innovation and reveals why, although the wheel is not reinvented every day at G+P, it always rolls a little better.

Werte-Video #7 «Innovativ»

In the latest episode of our video series on the values of G+P, Thomas Boss delves deep into the world of innovation and reveals why, although the wheel is not reinvented every day at G+P, it always rolls a little better.

Find out how G+P continuously introduces new technologies and methods to actively shape developments in the industry and set standards. Experience how G+P's ‘Innovative’ value promotes a culture of continuous improvement in which every employee is encouraged to contribute ideas and scrutinise existing processes. Thomas Boss vividly conveys how different approaches to innovation are integrated into everyday working life and how this makes G+P more efficient, agile and effective.

Thank you for your attention and for taking the time to follow our values series. If you have any suggestions on the topic of innovation or values in general, Thomas Boss would be delighted to hear from you.