Values video #6 «Effective»

In the sixth episode of our video series on G+P's values, CEO Thomas Boss sheds light on the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and why "less is more" at G+P does not mean doing less, but doing the right thing.

Values video #6 «Effective»

Find out why effectiveness is not just about working hard, but above all working smart. Thomas Boss explains how G+P targets resources to maximise impact and ensure that tasks actually bring us closer to the company's economic and ethical goals - in line with the value "Effective".

Be inspired by how G+P improves people's quality of life through effective solutions in areas such as noise control and building physics. Find out how effectiveness means not only fulfilling technical requirements, but also creating tangible positive effects for people and the environment.

Contact Thomas Boss by email or phone if you don't want to miss the seventh and final values episode or if you have any questions or suggestions. The last episode also contains many convincing ideas and practical examples.