Bike, Run, Innovate: our sporty side at work

In the world of technology and innovation, we are often faced with exciting challenges and projects that require our creative and analytical skills. But it is just as important to find a balance and stay physically active. At our engineering office, this is not an empty promise, but a lived reality - in line with our value: "we are active"

Bike, Run, Innovate: our sporty side at work
Bike, Run, Innovate: our sporty side at work

Full commitment at the SOLA relay

We recently took part - as we do every year - in one of the most exciting sporting teamwork events in Zurich: the SOLA relay. For those who haven't heard of it, the SOLA relay is an annual event where teams run a total distance of 113 km around Zurich. Each team consists of several runners who each complete sections of this route.

Even though we are not a team of professional runners, we took on this challenge with enthusiasm. And the result is impressive: With great team spirit and perseverance, we achieved an excellent (from our point of view ;-) 383rd place out of almost 1000 participating teams. A success that shows that engineers are not only fast in their heads, but also on the track!

Focus on sustainability: our participation in the BikeToWork Challenge

But that's not all: our sporting ambitions go far beyond the SOLA relay. We are also actively involved in the BikeToWork Challenge. More than a third of our employees take part in this initiative, which promotes environmentally friendly mobility and active health promotion. This is a clear sign that we take our responsibility for the environment seriously and keep fit not only on paper, but also on the saddle.

We are proud not only to drive forward technical innovations, but also to stand out as an active and sporty community. Because we firmly believe that a balanced relationship between mind and body is the key to sustainable success.


Stay tuned for more adventures and sporting successes from our engineering office!


With sporting greetings

Your G+P Team